Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Awakening by Anton Troy

Anton Troy

Through the night's mist, a woman emerges.
From the darkest pits the night can know.
There is a thick fog that clings to her,
That no sun could ever disperse.
It is is ever overmastering.

She brings with her the torment of the night,
delivering unrest, and fear.
Her cold, hard demoniac eyes have smitten me,
Adding weight to my mind,
No longer am I an empty vessel,
But my heart now bleeds.

Every beat of her heart unhinged my mind.
And melts the flesh off my bones.
Releasing my heart from its chains.
Her wantonly, voluptuous lips disperse promises,
And introduced my innocent mind to much knowledge,
And much power,
But also; much dread.

We may now share one purpose,
But I fear the land of the dead.
It is no place for mortals to linger.
Oh creature of the night,
Have you saved a man not worth saving?

You are wrong I say,
Wrong to think that your heart can save me.
I now rise out of the ashes of my ill-fated past,
Hoping that you cleansed my heart,
Of it's stains.