Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Awakening by Anton Troy

Anton Troy

Through the night's mist, a woman emerges.
From the darkest pits the night can know.
There is a thick fog that clings to her,
That no sun could ever disperse.
It is is ever overmastering.

She brings with her the torment of the night,
delivering unrest, and fear.
Her cold, hard demoniac eyes have smitten me,
Adding weight to my mind,
No longer am I an empty vessel,
But my heart now bleeds.

Every beat of her heart unhinged my mind.
And melts the flesh off my bones.
Releasing my heart from its chains.
Her wantonly, voluptuous lips disperse promises,
And introduced my innocent mind to much knowledge,
And much power,
But also; much dread.

We may now share one purpose,
But I fear the land of the dead.
It is no place for mortals to linger.
Oh creature of the night,
Have you saved a man not worth saving?

You are wrong I say,
Wrong to think that your heart can save me.
I now rise out of the ashes of my ill-fated past,
Hoping that you cleansed my heart,
Of it's stains.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

"Nightfall" by Anton Troy

I lay half asleep, as I reckon in my chamber this dark night, I'm suddenly baptized by a harmonious melody.
It's dark rhythm stirred something primitive in me. My eyes no longer wide shut.
The tune is sublime, animating my mind out of it's slumber. The night's song is like a disease, harassed by it's echos, tenaciously solidifying my senses, propelling me out of bed in a galvanizing manner, released from my endless torpor. 

Unnerved, I am suddenly clasped by a serene vision to my left, and my eyes widen. The view out my courtyard window in due diligence. Before me, a powerful force pierces the glass.
These rays of moonlight no longer evade me, and are now enticing enough to draw me to the large window. I proceed to open it just a crack, the air in my chamber is no longer dank and musky, as the faint night breeze seeps in, It's aroma inspires me. All five of my senses were peaking at once, coupled by the brilliant view of the moon's light, circumvented by a blue hue that ripens my soul. Fixedly I gaze to the night sky electrified by such a sovereign entity. The moon claims the sky, and commands the oceans still, penetrating the most thickest cloud. Although the moon remains entrusted in the sun, hovering unfixed, at times volatile, still proves to be a most supreme queen; even without the crown. 

I find it laborious not to be alluded by her celestial power which is ever so invigorating. Washing away sorrow. Erasing oppressive sensibility. Obliterating bleakness. I proceed to open the window even more, the breeze now becomes a gush of raw air ever no numbing. And the moonlight summoned me into the astral, no longer an individual, feeling perfectly rounded and un-abbreviated from the universe, affixed to the zillions of stars above, now gracing me with their presence. The night's echo does not fluctuate, and steps with a steadfast pace; causing time to become inconspicuous, sufficient enough to halt the Earth's rotation, the time circle ceases, becoming more linear. The neighborhood owl is corpulent, perched on my courtyard tree's largest branch. His eyes become mine, and mine his. The fireflies float about, lighting up in an integrated manner, in perfect sync with the melody that has consumed me. The window is now fully open, I remain haunted by the imposing night gates, over at the end of time, where no one is alone, illuminated, and now in bloom.
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"Withering" by Anton Troy

An insufferable gloom has pervaded my soul.
The unparalleled dreariness of my thoughts betray me.
The door to happiness remained open for an enternity.
But for me, it might as well had been a moment.
The gloom has evolved into a malady of sorts, suffocating the promises of vitality.
I gaze upon myself with half pity, since I've become immune to her vivacious warmth.
But I dismissed her moral energy too easily. The gloom continues to hang over me.
And so I refuse to let the apathy settle. I look to dilute the bitterness.
The luminescence of her eyes proved to much for my principles. And smited me enough to warrant the most profound attention. Although my efforts still remain fruitless.
Anything is preferable to the solitude that I long endured, her presence alone is a relief.
Her gaze alone was enough to help me escape the terrible fury of the dragon.
Her emancipated frame causes me to let out a gaseous exhalation, enshrouding me in aspiration. Enough of a sight to snap me out of this ghastly existence.
But the dragon remains in all of it's lavish brawn, enveloping her stipulation.
Firmly set in my chamber, it washes away her buoyancy. And loneliness lingers unbroken.

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